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Showing posts with the label Shoulder

10 Simple, Easy and Healthy tips to prevent Acne

10 Simple, Easy and Healthy tips to prevent Acne First of all we need to know something about Acne. Pimples, also called acne, occur when your skin’s oil glands are overactive and pores become inflamed. Some types of skin bacteria may make pimples worse. Pimples can appear anywhere on the skin, but they most often occur on the face. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world, affecting an estimated 85% of young adults What causes acne? Acne starts when the pores in your skin get clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Each pore is connected to a sebaceous gland, which produces an oily substance called sebum. Extra sebum can plug pores, causing the growth of a bacteria known as  Propionibacterium acnes , or  P. acnes . Your white blood cells attack  P. acnes , leading to skin inflammation and acne. Some cases of acne are more severe than others, but common symptoms include whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. Many factors may contribute to the development of acne, inc

Best Shoulder Workout : 18 Best Exercise To Build Massive Shoulders

  Best Shoulder Workout : 18 Best Exercise To Build Massive Shoulders Few men relish shoulder workouts , but neglect them at your peril. Failure to broaden out up top will mean that no matter how many sit-ups you do and how slim your waist is, you're not going to be able to carve out that coveted V-shape . To get that, you'll need shoulder exercises. Bigger shoulders give the appearance of bigger arms and a smaller waist. It's a grossly unattended area for most men in the gym, but one man who wants to rectify that fact is physique competitor Ryan Terry - a fitness icon with with such adonis-like proportions that he looks hewn from Hellenic rock. The main shoulder muscles Deltoid Muscle The deltoid muscle is a rounded, triangular muscle located on the uppermost part of the arm and the top of the shoulder. It is named after the Greek letter delta, which is shaped like an equilateral triangle. Deltoid muscle contain three main part 1.Front Deltoid 2.Mid Deltoid 3.Re