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20 Exercises to grow taller faster in a week

20 Exercises to grow taller faster in a week 

Wondering how to increase height fast after 18? Is increasing the height a big deal? Not really! It is all about removing the decompressions on the vertebrae which are developed over time due to gravity and poor posture habits.The height of a human body has influences from multiple factors like environment, hormones, genes, and nutrition. Fighting against these influences is hard, but it's not impossible. If you have a strong determination, you can improve your height even at your mid-twenties. Exercising is one of the best ways to increase height fast and grow taller. Synergize the effect by coupling exercise with a good intake of protein - you can add to your height positively. 

Here's how to increase height with some best exercises to increase height.

Height is one of the important factors when it comes to enhancing one's personality. Many of us want to be tall, however, due to several factors such as genes, diet and physical activity among others affect the tallness. So, if you are one of them who wants to be taller, then you should go for exercises which can boost the same. Instead of having medicines and other unnatural ways, one should go for a healthy diet and exercise routine.


Hanging your body with the support of your hands does help you stretch out your muscles. Generally, people hang down a bar. To take this exercise to increase height an extra mile, do two or three pull-ups. Don't have a pull up bar? No problem pull up a tree branch. Make sure your support is sturdy and can take your whole body weight. After all, you don't want to falloff the support and break your bones.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Jump up and hang on to the bar.
  • Keep your arms and spine straight.
  • Remain in the position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the same at least three times daily.

2.Side Stretch

Side stretch will make the muscles grow and make them elongated as well. This exercise to increase height especially stretches and strengthens the intercostal muscles. While doing a side stretch, make sure you feel the muscles pull all along your side from your lower back and up to your shoulder to succeed in boosting height growth.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Stand straight with your feet together.
  • Clasp your hands together stretching over your head.
  • Bend your upper body to the right.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and get back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the stretch two times and switch sides to do the stretch in the opposite direction. 

3.Cobra Stretch

The cobra pose stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest, and abdominals while strengthening the spine.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Lie on the floor with your face down.
  • Place your palms on the floor under your shoulders.
  • Lift your chin while arching your spine to form an elevated angle.
  • Arch back as far as possible and stay in the position for at least 30 seconds.
  • Five reps should be good enough to start with the exercise initially.

4 Jogging

Jogging is one exercise to increase height that you can’t miss out if you are desperate about making your legs longer. Jogging helps you to grow your leg bones naturally and makes them stronger. Jogging works like magic to increase your height, especially when practice it during or just after puberty.

5.Jumping And Skipping

If exercising is a tough thing to do then go for something that helps you have some fun while achieving your fitness goals. Jumping is one such thing. The more the number of times you jump the more likely you will succeed in making your legs longer. Jumping can be done in several ways - trampoline jumping or skipping a rope. Both can help you reach your maximum height. 

 Steps To Follow:

  • While jumping, make sure your both legs leaves the surface at the same time, and land on the surface at the same time.

6.Standing Stretch

This exercise is similar to vertical bend exercise. The only difference is that while standing instead of placing your legs apart, you should keep them joined. As the next step, bend and try to touch your toes. Don't forget to keep your knees straight while you perform the exercise.


Swimming enables you to use your legs, body, and arms to the fullest and thus, develops muscle strength. Especially,if you want to escape the heat and sweat during your workout sessions then swimming is the best. Breaststroke is the most suitable swimming style to increase your height.

8.Glutes And Hip Bridge

This exercise helps you to improve flexibility in your back. While doing the bridge, you stretch the hip flexors,which helps in elongating your lower back and the back of thighs.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Lie on your back and extend your hands down to grab your ankles.
  • Lift your knees and hips so that you make your body parallel to the floor.
  • Finish by lifting your torso from your hips so that you are stretching out your back.


If you are in your teens, then it is the right age to start cycling. Exercising during your teens can bring a crucial difference in your height. Teenage is the time when most people attain maximum height. Cycling is the best exercise for teens to make their legs stretch and add a few inches to their bodies.

10.Jump Squats

Jumping exercises, like jump squats,are one of the best ways to increase the height. It supports the conditioning of the muscles and joints of the lower body and improves the height of the body.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Start with a normal standing position, with your body facing forward.
  • Lower yourself into the squat by lowering your hips back and down while bending your knees.
  • Drive hard with your legs as you come up out of the squat while initiating a jump.

11.Downward Facing Dog

Downward pose resembles that of an upside down alphabet - V. This exercise helps in strengthening the entire back and elongates your back muscles.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Stand up and bend your body such that your hands are at your shoulders-width apart and your feet are at hips-width apart.
  • Push the floor away and engage the shoulders and the upper body, while elongating your tailbone towards the ceiling
  • Feel a gentle stretch in the arms, shoulders, lats and spine.

12.Bird Dog

The bird dog is the core exercise that emphasizes lower back strength and balance. This exercise helps to experience a good stretch from head to thighs and promotes your height.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Start the pose with a push-up position, but with your knees on the ground.
  • Lift one leg above the floor, and extend it backward.
  • Slowly lift your opposite hand off the floor, and extend that arm in front of you.
  • Hold onto the position for a few seconds and repeat this exercise on the other side.

13.Surya Namaskara

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is the most popular yoga exercise which consists of 12 different yoga poses. Every pose stretches your back, shoulders,legs and helps you to increase your height.


Planks, especially side planks give a good stretch to your legs and it will lead to slimmer legs and will also help you grow taller as well.

Aside from these exercises, one can also indulge in sports such as swimming, basketball and sprints among others.

15.Pelvic shift

Can stretching exercises increase in height? Yes! The pelvic shift is much similar to the bridge practices. Here is how to do it.

How To Do:

  • Sleep on the flop, looking up at the sky and relax.
  • Put your hands at the side of your body and fold your knees.
  • Now gently apply pressure on the foot and raise your hips, keeping your back straight all the while.
  • Breathing slowly, come back to the sleeping position, and put your knees down.
  • Repeat the technique for 8 to 10 times a day.

16.Forward Spine Stretches

Try out this leg stretching exercise to increase your height even after 21. Here is how to do it. These stretches focus on the back, abdominal muscles, and hamstrings.

How To Do:

  • Sit with your spine erect and legs forward and spread your legs.
  • Slowly bend forward and reach your fingertips or heels to stretch your leg muscles.
  • Stretch for at least 10 to 20 seconds.
  • Then, slowly move back and come into a sitting position.
  • Repeat this technique for 3 to 4 times in the beginning and gradually increase.

17.Vertical bends

Practising this exercise help in making the muscles in your calf area to expand. Vertical bounds, as the name suggests, expand the muscles in a vertical direction - thereby making you taller.

18.Bridge hold

The bridge hold is a static variation of the bridge exercise that involves getting into the full bridge as shown at the top of the article and holding the position, either for time or until exhaustion. This variation is possibly the most frequent variation of the bridge around the world, but is most commonly used in Calisthenics circles to build strength in order to progress to some of the more difficult bridge variations.

19.bridge push up

The bridge push-up involves lying on the ground on the back with the feet pulled up to the buttocks and palms of the hands against the ground on either side of the head, followed by "pushing" the entire body upwards with both arms and feet. The practitioner then pulls the body back to the original position and repeats the whole movement for a set amount of repetitions, or until exhaustion. This is also one of the ways to get into the bridge hold position, along with the closing bridge below.

20.wall walking

Wall walking is another popular bridge variation that involves standing with one's back to a wall at a varying distance, followed by leaning backwards until one can press one's palms into the wall from behind. The practitioner then proceeds to "walk" with their hands along the wall all the way down to the floor. To make the exercise more difficult, one can also finish the movement by proceeding to "walk" all the way back up again, then pushing off the wall with the arms back into the original standing position. This can be done for several repetitions.

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